Monday 11 May 2009

some times its hard growing up

Well here I am all confused. I love my school and my friends but the work is hard and not easy. I have to think hard and often feel that I just cannot do it like the others in my class. If I could go to school and just play all day I would be happy, or if I could do the work really easily , as easy as I play...I would be happy.
This week though I know that I have two things to look forward to. Wednesday after school I am invited to go to tea at fairy Millies house. On Saturday I have fairy Lauren to stay for a sleep over which is very exciting. I also have two birthday party's to go to over the I shouldn't moan.
Mother fairy says that my reading is coming on well...I don't like reading you I read slowly and get distracted very easily. I much prefer some one to read to me and then I can allow my imagination to take me to other places like the castle in the magic chair book.

My Pj's are getting too small which is a little annoying as I like nothing more than coming home straight from school and putting my pj's on. It's not that I want to go to bed or anything. I jump on the trampoline, and flit about the house....I am the pyjama fairy after all!
