Monday 11 May 2009

some times its hard growing up

Well here I am all confused. I love my school and my friends but the work is hard and not easy. I have to think hard and often feel that I just cannot do it like the others in my class. If I could go to school and just play all day I would be happy, or if I could do the work really easily , as easy as I play...I would be happy.
This week though I know that I have two things to look forward to. Wednesday after school I am invited to go to tea at fairy Millies house. On Saturday I have fairy Lauren to stay for a sleep over which is very exciting. I also have two birthday party's to go to over the I shouldn't moan.
Mother fairy says that my reading is coming on well...I don't like reading you I read slowly and get distracted very easily. I much prefer some one to read to me and then I can allow my imagination to take me to other places like the castle in the magic chair book.

My Pj's are getting too small which is a little annoying as I like nothing more than coming home straight from school and putting my pj's on. It's not that I want to go to bed or anything. I jump on the trampoline, and flit about the house....I am the pyjama fairy after all!


Tuesday 7 April 2009

spring sunshine

oh dear I have neglected my bloggers. I am so sorry. The pyjama fairy would like to apologise to her followers and promises to post at least twice a month from now on.

With the warmer evenings and lighter longer days I have been so busy re visiting all my favourite places. Today I visited the lambs, young and bouncy and so full of cheerful life. A favourite human, Alison is her name, saves the weak lambs and rescues them before the fox gets to them. This spring Alison has 6 of the lovely lambs. Each one she bottle feeds and until they are old enough she keeps them in the warm by the fire. One poor little lamb lost his mum just after he had arrived in this world, and the twins...well they just needed more milk than their mother could give. Alison is a fairy amongst humans, a kind of fairy in disguise, what some may call an angel.
tomorrow I will post some pictures for you of my lamb friends.
until then... sleep tight, have happy magical dreams as I skip in out of your dream world making sure you are sleeping sound ... feel safe and warm and wake tomorrow happy and ready to enjoy another magical day.
your pyjama fairy xx

Thursday 12 March 2009

Hi ...I am the Pjama Fairy

This is my story. I am the invention of Molly and her Mummy. Molly describes her, and tells of her adventures. She draws pictures of her and creates her world.
In many ways The pyjama fairy is the fairy of every 6,7,and 8 year olds imagination.
Molly's Mummy translates the stories for you to read and enjoy...together with your Mummy or daughter.
Hope fully in time The Pyjama Fairy will meet many more fairies on inspired, be confident, live out your imaginative dreams and share them with me.